We cannot ignore that the technology has revolutionized and improved the way we live and work, but the use of this technology also carries a high energy use, as well as contributing significantly to the Emissions of greenhouse gases, which affect climate change. In addition, the production and disposal of technological products consumes a large amount of energy and resources.
For these reasons we must be especially careful to try to minimize possible negative impacts that this can contribute to our ecosystem. get that the technology be green will be crucial to achieve sustainable society, since green communications technologies are essential for the energy savings.
Green IT or green technology: what is it?
The green networks are those that operate with strategies of Energy Efficiency to minimize energy use. When we control and responsibly adjust energy use, organizations can save money while saving the planet.
Implementing Green IT basically consists of using the new technologies., both products and services and strategies, in the most respectful way possible towards the environment, that is, in favor of the sustainability. It is not to limit the possibilities of technology, but to use it in a way that protect natural resources.
Includes numerous spotlights of action: from producing in the most optimal way in terms of resources and energy, to creating products with longer useful life cycles and more efficient in terms of consumption, promoting responsible waste management, etc. All these good practices share the same target: reduce emissions and generate more sustainable ecosystems, minimizing as much as possible the negative impact that IT resources can cause.
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Cerium Green IT Proposal
We know that customers of Cerium they are concerned about the health of the planet and at the same time need a efficient and functional network that allow them save. Conventional or poorly optimized systems consume a lot of energy and emit high levels of CO² into the atmosphere, generating a strong environmental impact.
"Cerium conceives its networks from the design and sustainable network architecture, achieving it through the optimization and choice of devices, the installation with adequate means, the use of the same and other technology components in such a way that limit the detrimental impact in the environment. Including reducing carbon emissions and energy consumed by manufacturers, data centers and end users”- Cerium Technologies
We are aware that adopting Green IT practices, we can reduce the impact of technology on the environment, conserve resources, save money, and protect our planet for future generations.
Green IT policies and measures in Cerium projects
- Network Designs and Equipment
The network designs and equipment that comprise our projects propose technologies and measures of Energy Efficiency (more efficient equipment, design with a reduction in the number of devices, optimization of the network infrastructure to reduce the amount of energy needed for its operation, less need for equipment cooling, etc.).
- latest generation models
We are very interested in proposing new latest generation models of IT equipment with low electrical consumption that also helps said carbon footprint reduction. We are aware that the energy efficient networks they favor the environment and improve the overall efficiency of the network, while reducing the costs of managing it.
- sustainable awareness
Cerium understands that it is essential for companies to have IT providers and solutions with climate sensitivity oriented towards Green IT, and that offer, among other things, the possibility of carrying out a monitoring of all equipment Of a company. On the other hand, agreen provider” also provides facilities to educate companies on the importance of reducing the number of devices per employee and their efficient use, among many other measures.
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Technological practices and solutions Green IT
We propose practices and technological solutions Green IT sustainable ways to conserve resources, reduce carbon emissions and protect our planet for future generations:
- Design efficient network and sustainable.
- choice of architecture and network design that, guaranteeing the efficiency and necessity of each project, respects the environment as much as possible.
- Choice of efficient technology: the energy efficiency of the devices and equipment that we use (headend router, OLT, switches, endpoints, etc.) that respect the environment must be taken into account when designing the network.
- Reduction in the number of devices: to avoid unnecessary financial costs and minimize energy consumption, we optimize the number of devices to be installed as much as possible and eliminate any unnecessary hardware.
- Recycling and reuse: We extend the life of technology products through repairs and upgrades, reducing the need for new products. We promote recycling and responsible management of waste derived from ICT.
- Sustainable net materials: we always install the option of materials with the lowest carbon footprint, being in accordance with the environment.
- Software and digital solutions: we prioritize the choice of software that consumes less resources as well as we propose the use of solutions to reduce emissions from other products.
From Cerium we take responsibility for helping IT departments minimize their environmental impact.
Advantages and objectives for our clients
Through our proposal our clients can achieve:
- Corporate Responsibility Compliance. Companies have great influence over other actors in society, and it is their obligation to use this position responsibly. The use of Green IT in the company is a positive influence that can serve as a motor for social change.
- Long-term economic savings and permanent energy costs. Green IT involves an initial investment, but in the long run, we will reduce energy consumption, relocated systems, etc., which translates into savings in the medium and long term.
- Improvement of the corporate image. Consumers look to buy from companies that align with their values, and sustainability matters to them. Companies that take Green IT measures and communicate them in a transparent way have more points to earn the trust of consumers and convert them into customers.
Are you looking for more sustainable technological solutions for your hotel? Want reduce waste and about energy consumption? As we have explained, the network infrastructures that we have implemented since Cerium they can help you on these sustainable goals. whatWe speak?