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If you have come this far, it is because you want to know more about the GPON-FTTR installation and in this article we will help you better focus on this important project.

do you still have one conventional cabling network or copper in your hotel? Have you ever stopped to think how much time and money you lose in its management and maintenance? As a hotel manager, you always seek to provide your guests with the best technological experience, reducing operating costs and seeking the highest profitability. For this, it is key that you renew the core of your hotel: your network.

What is a GPON installation?

The network of FTTR-GPON fiber what we install in CERIUM is a new concept that allows hotels to integrate all services in a single network. The technology is based on the deployment of fiber optics to each hotel room, managing to combine, in a single fiber thread, different services such as Internet access, IPTV (DTT), phone, CCTV or sensorization.

What does a GPON installation project consist of?

By applying GPON to the hotel sector, we managed to integrate, through the deployment of the FTTR (Fiber to the Room) network installation, a technological system that allows a multitude of services to be available through a single cable, thus improving the efficiency of the hotel complex. FTTR stands for latest technology, this offers many more services available to the guest. In addition, it leads to cost savings and greater efficiency for the establishment.

Through the networks of gpon Fiber, in conjunction with LAN networks and WiFi environments that we also manage, we ensure that all hotel communications are optimal, prioritizing the user experience and security.

Extensive information in this article: GPON fiber optics: what is it and benefits for your hotel

This type of connection provides guests with more available bandwidth. FTTR fiber also allows you to connect more devices per room, download multiple files, view streaming multimedia content and browse faster. This is the current technological response that allows us to cover the needs of all guests with guarantees.

cta ebook

What are the main characteristics of GPON networks?

  • Unification of services (television, telephone, data, closed circuit television, IPTV...) in a single infrastructure. In this way we avoid the multitude of cables throughout the hotel and save execution times.

  • Significant CAPEX savings, that is, the different materials necessary to make an installation with a multitude of wiring and elements (>25%) and in OPEX, which amounts to everything related to operations and services (>75%).

GPON fttr fiber installation

  • Iinnovative infrastructure that will allow the adoption of the technologies that our guests demand today and tomorrow.

  • Data transmission at high speed and quality.

  • Avoid interference and improves sound and video quality.

  • All the signals integrated by the CERIUM GPON network of your hotel are distributed efficiently.

Other important benefits of FTTR networks for your hotel

GPON technology allows, through the development of the FTTR (Fiber to the Room) installation, to deploy fiber optics to each of the guest rooms, thus improving the user experience and, in general, also the efficiency of the system. establishment and the quality of the service offered. 

Hotel room with fttr fiber

Do you want to know some of the advantages extras that the FTTR can provide you

  • Bandwidth increase: the optimal deployment of fiber optics in hotels allows a multitude of equipment and devices to be connected at the same time, without losing speed, stability and efficiency. 

It may interest you: Why renew your network infrastructure in hotel renovation projects

  • Saving space: With a GPON network you save a lot of space, by reducing the number of cables, the size of the wiring trays and the need for telecommunications cabinets on each floor. 

  • Sustainability: Compared to copper systems, fiber optics generate less waste and it is more efficient and sustainable, since it requires less energy and does not need refrigeration.

Keep learning: Sustainable hotels: keys to becoming one of them

  • Network Simplicity: The convergence of multiple networks into a single network through a powerful fiber infrastructure makes it easy for network administrators to manage their day-to-day operations, as well as to install future upgrades. And all this without the need to throw out new keys or carry out costly or annoying reforms. 

  • Access to IPTV, Casting and other services. A GPON network infrastructure makes it easy for us to install high-value services in our hotel rooms. One of the most outstanding examples is the possibility of transforming the TV in the room into a communication portal with customers (IPTV), with very interesting customization and feedback possibilities: welcome messages, international channels, content App: Netflix, HBO, social networks, room service, internal advertising, etc. Other outstanding services would be the telephone VoiP, CCTV or sensorization.

cerium iptv

  • Greater economic savings. This system implies a notable reduction in electricity consumption, wiring, air conditioning... The sum of all these factors represents a very interesting optimization of operating costs to improve the hotel profitability.

At Cerium we are leaders in the installation of FTTR-GPON fiber networks

With more than 15 years of experience in WiFi environments and total specialization in the hotel sector, they have made  Cerium in the reference company in GPON installation projects in all types of hotel establishments. At Cerium we have our own staff certified in most brands and technologies and we have experience in large international projects. An example of this is the technological deployment that we have carried out in the new Riu Plaza Manhattan hotel, In New York. If you want more information about this project, visit this article.

The global character of Cerium, our deep knowledge of the reality of the hotel sector and the current needs of guests and our commitment to the most innovative technologies make up the perfect equation to provide your hotel with not only a Wi-Fi coverage ideal, but rather the latest technological services that your clients expect during their visit.

We adapt perfectly to the specific characteristics of each establishment: spaces, types of clients, architectural barriers, technological and operational needs...Contact Us !

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