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As you already know, an optimal WiFi installation in hotelss is an increasingly critical point when it comes to avoiding complaints or bad experiences from your guests during their stay at your hotel. Would you like to improve the WiFi in your hotel? Do you know what the bandwidth of your WiFi network and why is it important to always keep it optimized? If you are worried about always being able to guarantee the best connectivity, this article interests you. Take note!

Does the installation of Wi-Fi in your hotel respond to the expectations and new needs of your guests?

Currently, for many travelers the quality of WiFi is a differentiating factor and, therefore, it has a great weight when choosing where to stay. Hotel guests and patrons expect and demand the highest quality hotel experience when they go online. And this implies speed, stability, fluidity and security in all corners, including of course your room.

El bandwidth It is conditioned by the large number of connected devices of guests, the great needs at the level of Internet consumption: videoconferences, publication on social networks, consumption of video on demand, file sharing, downloads or online gaming platforms...

In addition, there is an increasingly widespread use of advanced technologies such as the Internet of Things (IoT) or the digitization of all hotel back-office operations: corporate networks, PMS or reservation platform...

All this has meant that Wi-Fi installations in hotels are key study and optimize bandwidth.

From large hotels that need to cover large public and outdoor spaces, as well as conference areas, to medium and boutique hotels, optimizing bandwidth is no longer optional, but one of the most strategic aspects to improve the customer experience. Guest. 

What is WiFi bandwidth and why is it key to optimize it?

It can be defined as the capacity of a channel to transmit data. For practical purposes, the bandwidth It is of great importance, since it determines the capacity of a network communications link to transmit the maximum volume of data possible, through an Internet connection or a computer network, in a given period of time. Ultimately, bandwidth defines the data transfer rate.

Why is it important for your hotel to optimize bandwidth?  Because it is a key factor in the design of the WiFi channels through which your hotel will transmit data. Therefore, if you do not make a correct calculation of how much bandwidth you need in your establishment, you will not be able to provide the Internet connection service that your guests need and demand. The result: it will be impossible to retain them, and what is worse, they will not recommend your hotel or leave negative reviews online.   

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Please note that online gaming and other applications such as broadcasts and streaming platforms require considerable bandwidth speed to avoid buffering and lag. The recommendation here couldn't be clearer: the more bandwidth your network can offer, the faster and smoother both hotel and guest devices will work.

Now that you know the importance of having adequate bandwidth in the WiFi installation, the key question comes: How can you improve on this point? One of the most recurrent options is to place WiFi Access Points as close as possible to the end user, or what is the same, to place them in each hotel room.

It is also important, especially in large hotels with a wide variety of spaces and needs, that certain limitations can be applied to the consumption of bandwidth in specific applications, so as to guarantee an optimal service in what is most strategic for the hotel. Data consumption monitoring and bandwidth management tools help the hotelier to offer a better experience at this point.

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Another question that you are surely asking yourself is: How many devices can be connected at the same time? It is not a matter of quantity, since each device added to the network limits the bandwidth, so the connection quality decreases progressively. In addition, with many devices interruptions can occur due to the lack of capacity of your Internet provider. Here the fundamental thing is to control the WiFi bandwidth of a network. In the next point we show you how to do it.

Strategy to follow for the correct management of WiFi bandwidth

The following recommendations they will help you optimize bandwidth of your hotel, achieving a balance that allows you to satisfy the needs of all your guests and clients and, of course, also the hotel staff: 

  1. Limit excessive use by some users of those applications that make more intensive use of bandwidth: streaming video/audio, downloading activities, online gaming, etc.
  2. Try properly distribute and allocate bandwidth between hotel guests and internal or back office needs.
  3. Continuously monitor network traffic and, above all, it seeks the perfect balance to correctly distribute web traffic between the different WiFi access points.

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Cerium, experts in hotel bandwidth optimization

En Cerium we are expert providers of broadband solutions, both for new networks and to renew existing ones or carry out audits.

In addition to the importance of correctly having a Wi-Fi installation in hotels, it is important to highlight that with our GPON technology It will have a fiber network that allows you to connect more devices per room, download a greater volume of content and browse faster.

We help you cover the current technological needs of your guests and clients with all the guarantees, so that they continue to rely on your hotel in the future.  

Do you need to improve the WiFi of your hotel? Are you looking for a supplier for a new installation? Contact us